How To Handle Dental Emergencies at Home?


Dental emergencies can happen at any time and can give you a feeling of discomfort. They can also make you feel nervous and increase anxiety. Dental emergencies are of many types, such as sudden pain in a tooth, chipped tooth, or dental accident.

You should have a good idea about how to deal with dental emergencies in a quick and effective way so that you can save your dental health. If you are looking for the best care, you can talk to an expert like a trusted family dentist in Shelby Township, MI, who can guide you.

But are there any tips by which you can handle these emergencies on your own at home before you reach a dentist so that they do not get worse? Here, you will learn practical tips on how to manage dental emergencies at home.

Managing Toothaches: When Pain Strikes

Toothaches can be of different levels, from very mild discomfort to serious, unbearable pain. Here are some ways in which you can manage them at home in an effective way before going to a dentist.

Rinse with Warm Salt Water

You can rinse your tooth with simple salt water because it will help to decrease the swelling in your gums and remove any food that is stuck in your teeth and gums. 

Use Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers and Cold Compress

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen are medicines that can reduce the pain for some hours. You can also apply a cold compress to the affected area to decrease the swelling and numb the pain.

When to Call a Dentist?

If you still feel pain after 24 hours and there is swelling, fever, or a foul test, you should go to a professional and get help. Continuous toothaches could show that there are serious problems like infections or abscesses.

Handling Chipped or Broken Teeth

If your tooth gets chipped or breaks, it can be a scary situation for you. Below are some tips that you can try at home to save your oral health from any harm.

Save the Broken Piece

If it is possible, you should try to save any pieces of your tooth that are broken and rinse them with water in a gentle and thorough way.

Rinse Your Mouth

You can also use warm water to clean the area where the broken tooth is present and try to take out any leftover food particles that are stuck in your tooth.

Apply Gauze for Bleeding

If you feel that there is bleeding in your teeth, it is a good idea to apply a clean gauze or cloth to the affected area to stop the bleeding.

Responding to Dental Accidents: Knocked-Out Teeth

A knocked-out tooth is a dental emergency that needs quick and immediate action so that your dental health can be saved from serious issues in the future.

Handle the Tooth Carefully

If you have a knocked-out tooth, you should try to pick it up by the crown and not by the root to keep the tissue safe from any more damage.

Rinse Gently

If the tooth is dirty, you should rinse it with water, but wash it gently, and do not scrub the tooth harshly.

Reinsert or Store Properly

If it is possible, try to insert the tooth again into its socket. If this insertion is not easy, you should store the tooth in a container that has milk or saliva in it.

Home Care Tips for Dental Emergencies

While you are waiting for guidance from a professional, you can take some steps that can reduce your discomfort and keep you safe from any future damage.

Avoid Making the Injury Worse

Try not to eat sticky or soft food as it will stick to your mouth and cause more damage. Also, try not to take hot or cold drinks because that can make your sensitivity even worse.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

You should always brush and floss around the area that is injured in a soft and gentle way because these areas are very delicate, and you need to make sure that there is no infection. 

Stay Calm and Act Swiftly

You can save your teeth by taking quick and calm actions. This will also reduce any more problems that you can have when there are dental emergencies, and no proper care is taken.

Take Action Today: Your Smile Deserves It

Dental emergencies are full of stress, but if you are prepared, you can improve your oral health. If you or a loved one have any dental issues, act in a smooth and calm way and follow these steps. Don’t let emergencies make your oral health worse; stay informed and have good knowledge.

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