Can Bleeding Gums Be Serious?

Bleeding Gums

If you have recently noticed that your gums are bleeding while you brush or floss in the morning, then this is an alarming sign. You might think it is a minor issue, but bleeding gums can be an early sign of serious dental health problems that require your attention as soon as possible. It can also be caused by something as simple as brushing very hard, but frequent bleeding may be a sign of an underlying disease. 

Neglecting these signs can, in the long wrong, cause more problems for your dental health as well as your overall well-being. This is the reason why seeking consultation from a qualified dentist in Cary, NC is important. They can help you understand the reason behind your bleeding gums and help you navigate through the treatment.

The cause of bleeding gums 

There are many reasons why you may end up having bleeding gums. The most common reason is poor dental hygiene. If you don’t look after your teeth and brush them regularly, then you might end up having plaque buildup along your gum line. The plaque, over a period of time, hardens up into tartar, which causes inflammation and gingivitis. This irritates the gums and causes them to bleed.

There can be many other factors for having bleeding gums, which include:

Brushing too hard

If you use excessive force or a brush that has very hard bristles, then you might end up injuring your gum and causing it to bleed. 

Flossing inconsistently

Your gums might not be used to friction that is caused by flossing. Sudden or irregular flossing can cause the gums to bleed.


Some medicines, such as blood thinners and some anticonvulsants, can result in an increase in the risk of bleeding gums.

Deficiency of Vitamin C

Lack of Vitamin C can weaken your gums, which can lead to bleeding gums. 

Bleeding Gums

Medical Conditions that cause bleeding gums

Some serious health issues can affect your immune system and make it hard for your body to fight off gum infections, which leads to the risk of bleeding gums. The biggest problem in such a situation is recognising the reason or exact cause. Here are some health problems that can potentially cause bleeding gums

Bleeding gums due to Anemia

The malabsorption of certain vitamins, such as Vitamin B12, can lead to bleeding gums. This malabsorption is associated with Pernicious anemia. It not only causes fatigue and weakness but also bleeding gums.

 Leukemia and Gum Cancer

Leukemia and gum cancer are both very serious conditions, and their clear sign is bleeding gums. In leukemia, the body produces immature leukocytes and very few platelets, which is very important for blood clotting. This results in frequent unusual bleeding, including the gums. Gum cancer can be rare, but one of its main signs is bleeding gums. 

HIV-induced bleeding gums

As the name suggests, the main function of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is to weaken the immune system of the body. This leads to making the body very vulnerable to getting infection very easily. People who might suffer from HIV have a very high risk of dental infections and problems, which results in soreness and gum bleeding. 


Gingivitis, if left untreated, can progress into periodontitis. Periodontitis is a severe form of gum infection that damages the gums and bones supporting your teeth. If it is left untreated, this may lead to tooth loss and also affect the overall health of the person.

Take action now!

Early intervention can prevent serious problems in the future, so don’t ignore your bleeding gums, as they might signal serious health issues. If you are facing persistent gum bleeding, consult a qualified dentist today! 

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