Top Reasons Not to Skip Your Routine Dental Examinations in San Jose


A lot of people ignore their oral health until they suffer serious dental issues. Thankfully, visiting a dentist every 6 months allows them to spot minor oral health problems before they damage your smile. Keeping your mouth clean reduces cavities and improves your overall health. Seeing a dentist in San Jose for routine dental examinations can prevent dental cavities from forming. Below are the reasons you should not skip your routine exams:

Check for Dental Cavities

Visit your dentist before you experience serious dental pain. Your next appointment is the best chance for your dentist to check for cavities in your mouth in their early stages. When left untreated, cavities can result in health complications such as abscesses and bloodstream infections. Most dentists recommend seeing them at least two times every year, so they can check for dental cavities and help you keep your oral health in top shape. 

Prevent Oral Health Issues from Arising

Preventive dentistry stops gum disease, tooth decay, and other problems from taking place. Routine dental examinations offer regular opportunities to get your teeth checked for signs of decay. This way, your dentist can begin treatment soon and save your tooth. The costs of preventive dentistry are less since less work needs to be done to address your dental issues. 

While bi-annual visits are often recommended, your dentist may require you to visit them more frequently if you have gum or teeth problems that must be monitored. Paying for routine examinations is cheaper than treating the problems themselves. 

Get Dental Cleanings Done

Your oral hygiene routine at home involves regular brushing and flossing to prevent the formation of plaque. But there are areas in your mouth that you may not be able to clean properly during this routine. That is why you still have to visit your dentist for regular cleanings. A dental hygienist can get rid of plaque and tartar that have developed between your teeth or along your gum line. Tartar is hardened plaque that only in-office teeth cleanings can remove. 

Dental cleanings and examinations are performed in one visit. By scheduling an appointment with your dentist every 6 months or as ordered, you can maintain healthy teeth and gums.  

Prevent Gum Disease

Ignoring your dental health by not getting your teeth cleaned puts you at risk of gum disease. When left untreated, gum disease can inflame or irritate your gums, usually leading to bleeding and swelling. Your dentist will treat gum disease in its early stages to prevent it from advancing. Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease that cannot be reversed. Thus, spotting gum disease in its development stage is key to ensuring full recovery. Visiting your dentist regularly allows them to monitor your gum health and help you embrace good oral hygiene habits necessary to avoid gum disease. Modern Orthodontic Options

Improve Your Overall Health

Dentists can spot early signs of heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health conditions. Your oral health is associated with your overall health. For instance, those who have diabetes may have dental cavities and gum disease because of high blood sugar. When you visit your dentist every six months, they can also check for signs of oral cancer. 

Avoid Expensive Procedures

Staying on top of your oral health by taking routine dental visits seriously helps you avoid severe conditions that might be costly to treat. If you have been skipping your routine dental appointments, remember that this is not good for the health of your mouth. Reach out to your dentist to schedule an appointment. Whether you are due for dental cleanings or have a problem you want your dentist’s opinion on, schedule as soon as possible. 

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