Common Dental Problems in Children

Dental Problems in Children

Parents in Connecticut are well aware that children are pretty prone to dental-related issues. It is because children generally do not pay a lot of attention to dental hygiene and do not fully understand the sheer importance of it.

Thus, parents always remain concerned about the oral health of their children and constantly make efforts to make sure it stays good by taking their children to a kids dentist in Bristol and Windsor, CT pediatric dentist for children.

However, it is better as a parent to know what some of the most common dental problems persist in children.

Some Prevalent Oral Issues

In this blog, we will illuminate some prevalent dental issues so that you, as a parent, can get a basic idea of what typically affects children.

Tooth Sensitivity (Dentin Hypersensitivity)

Tooth sensitivity is essentially a sharp pain that a person generally experiences upon eating or drinking hot or cold foods and beverages. A lot of children suffer from tooth sensitivity, and there can be numerous factors responsible for the same, so a dental visit is required to identify the cause. Some common causes include:

  • Newly grown permanent teeth
  • A cracked or missing filling
  • Areas of decay (cavities)
  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)

A wide variety of treatments are available to deal with the discomfort and pain the child is facing. However, if the sensitivity is due to some underlying issue, it is suggested that the child visit a dentist immediately to prevent the problem from becoming severe.

Tooth Decay (Cavities)

Dental Problems in Children

Many children do not brush and floss appropriately without adult supervision, which leads to the accumulation of bacteria and plaque. Since children love to consume sugary foods and drinks, the situation is only worse.

The plaque leads to tooth decay as it sticks to the tooth surface, and the present acid erodes the enamel. As a parent, be there to supervise the children when they are brushing and flossing until they become proficient in doing it on their own correctly. If the cavity has already developed, the general treatment is a tooth filling.

Gum Disease and Pediatric Gingivitis

Some people have a misconception that gum disease is a problem only limited to adults, but that is not actually the case. Gum disease is a prevalent problem in children as well.

The symptoms typically include swollen gums that appear more red and bleed relatively easily during brushing and flossing.

Poor dental hygiene in children is a major cause of gum disease. It often results in gum recession, pain, and swelling in affected areas. In most cases, gum disease can be avoided by brushing and flossing daily and thoroughly.

Excessively Sucking on Thumb

Many toddlers, small children, and infants have a habit of sucking on their thumbs. It is something that they do to cope with anxiety. It is not really an issue until the children continue, even though they are old because excessive thumb-sucking affects the development of the teeth.

Parents should intervene and stop the particular habit in children who are still doing it above the toddler age. The extensive thumb sucking and use of a pacifier often lead to a problem called open bite, which is essentially the misalignment of lower and upper front teeth that results in a gap.

Open bites affect the speech of the child and make it difficult to chew and bite.

The Importance of a Pediatric Dentist!

In most cases, merely brushing and flossing does not suffice, and specific oral issues develop in children. Parents often think that if the children are brushing and flossing, their oral health will remain good, so they skip dental visits.

 A pediatric dentist monitors and appropriately assesses oral health to look out for any underlying issues, start treatment before the condition gets any worse, and perform dental cleanings that thoroughly clean the entire mouth.

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